Where to start programming as a beginner?

Where to start programming as a beginner?


2 min read

If you're a complete beginner to programming, a good place to start is with a general-purpose programming language like Python or JavaScript. These languages are easy to learn and have a large and supportive community, which can be very helpful when you're just starting out.

To get started with either of these languages, you can try following an online tutorial or taking a class. There are many free resources available online, such as tutorials on websites like Codecademy, or you can also try purchasing a book or video course on a site like Udemy.

Another important thing to consider when you're starting out with programming is to pick a project that you're interested in. This will help keep you motivated and engaged as you learn, and it will also give you something concrete to work towards. For example, if you're interested in music, you could try creating a simple program that generates random melodies or plays a song.

It's also a good idea to start with something small and manageable, rather than trying to tackle a big and complex project right away. This will help you learn the basics of programming without getting overwhelmed, and you can always build on your skills as you go.

Overall, the key is to just start experimenting and having fun with code! As you learn more and gain more experience, you'll be able to tackle more complex projects and build more sophisticated programs.

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